CPFAN Minutes, October 6, 2020

CPFAN Board Meeting 10/6/2020

The program portion of the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m.

Program: Tina Myers, Manager of the Volunteer program for Denver Parks and Recreation, presented information and answered questions about volunteer opportunities with DPR, such as Adopt-a-Park and Adopt-a-Flower Bed (one year commitments), as well as mulching trees, weeding, trash pick-up and painting structures. Maria Flora volunteered to coordinate a City Park clean-up effort.

Board Meeting

  1. Board meeting called to order at 6:35 PM
  2. John Brett made a motion to approve minutes for 9/1/2020 meeting, seconded by Sandy. Motion passed.
  • Treasurer’sReport.  There is $197.46 in CPFAN’s account.

Patty made motion to accept the report. John seconded. Motion passed.

  1. Board Vacancy: Kelly Crosby was introduced, and he talked about his background. His interest is in being in the park with kids, along with activating and bringing engagement into the park. He connects to Olmstead’s concept of having parks be a center of civic engagement. Fred nominated Kelly to the CPFAN board. Sandy seconded. Vote was taken and motion passed.
  2. Reports

1.President’s Report

Board assignments:

  1. Fred will explore Adopt-a-Flower Bed
  2. Car Free Status- John Brett
  3. East High School volunteers- Kelly
  4. Anti-racist proposal such as that of INC discussed.

“We can be an anti-racist organization without it being our organization’s objective†was language suggested by Jacqueline Altreuter.

  1. Old Business

Color Field- Sarah Palmeri received a 90-100 day extension for installation to remain in place until 12/31/2020. Performances are being recorded and will be posted to Sarah’s website and to CPFAN’s Mail Chimp, website, and Facebook page.


Kelly moved to adjourn. Sandy seconded.  Georgia adjourned at 7:25 p.m.