Come see “Amache Rose,” a film by Billy Kanaly

Join us for this special viewing! Tuesday February 4 at 5:30 pm Carla Madison Recreation Center 2401 E. Colfax Avenue Free Parking behind the Center In 1942, the United States Government established the concentration camp Camp Amache in the high desert of southeastern Colorado near the town of Granada. Japanese American citizens were confined there because of the paranoia and fear generated by Japan’s aggression during  World War II. These citizens were incarcerated at the camp until 1945. Today, the action is seen as one of the great tragedies of misjudgment in U.S. history. Site of Camp Amache concentration camp

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Duck Lake is Quacking with Activity

Duck Lake is Quacking with Activity! Let’s start with the new mural on the west wall of the Denver Zoo’s storage complex that borders Duck Lake. This area was City Park land set aside for the Denver Zoo’s gasification project, a plan to use animal waste and human trash to generate clean energy to power the zoo. The project was abandoned in 2015 due to concerns about costs and environmental issues but mainly technical failures. The system didn’t work. Instead of reverting the area back to City Park natural uses for the public to enjoy, the Zoo retained the area for storage

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Denver’s City Park – a perfect gift for the holidays!

Denver’s City Park by Bette D. Peters would make a wonderful gift for your friends and family members who love City Park and would like to know more about its colorful history. UCD Professor, Dr. Tom Noel, known as Dr. Colorado states that Denver’s City Park “is still the single most important reference book for park enthusiasts who study and promote the history and heritage of the park. It is, in fact, the only book ever written about City Park, the ‘Crown Jewel’ of our treasured park system.” The book is full of the stories that have contributed to the unique character of the

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